HRN Volunteer Spotlight: Yolanda Girouard

Volunteer Yolanda socializing a shelter bunVolunteers are the heart of HRN. This issue’s featured volunteer is Yolanda Girouard. Yolanda started with HRN about five years ago on the recommendation of a veterinarian she was working with who was closing his practice. “I was a new bunny owner and thought it would be a good resource and a valuable learning experience,” she said.

Yolanda has a hands-on job at the shelter that starts with a cage check in the morning to make sure the bunnies are well. She then brushes them, provides exercise, gives them pellets and hay, cleans cages, refills hay bins, and washes their food bowls and litter boxes. “I find the time at the shelter fun and relaxing, plus it’s interesting to see the different behaviors of the various breeds,” she said.

Yolanda's own buns cuddlingPeople looking to adopt a pet don’t usually have rabbits on their radar. For Yolanda, one of the most rewarding parts of working with HRN is how the organization raises the profile of house rabbits.HRN is a great educational tool to teach the general public that domestic rabbits make great house pets. I have found that so many people are not aware of this (I used to be one of them)!” Yolanda has a bonded pair of eight-year-old Lionhead / Jersey Wooly mix brothers who have been with her since they were babies. They are free-range and litter box trained.

Yolanda describes HRN as a dedicated organization and a “great resource for new and experienced bunny owners alike,” with many different volunteer opportunities that extend beyond the shelter. Yolanda has always loved animals and has had a positive experience being part of the process of helping bunnies find their forever homes. “I believe having or working with animals greatly enriches those who have them in their lives,” she said. “I can’t imagine life without them!”

— A.A.