Calvin’s Care Corner

Bunny Sitting 101

Hello readers! Calvin here, and I bet you’re wondering “What do I do with Lucky when I go away this summer?”

Every rabbit owner wonders this when making their vacation plans. Do you hire a pet sitter to come to your home or board your beloved bun? Hiring a pet sitter is most likely your best option, but boarding them with qualified pet sitter is a great alternative too. Either way, the pet sitter who watches Lucky MUST know all about rabbits, their needs, their body language and common illnesses that can occur with a bun.

There are pros and cons to boarding your rabbit:


– Your rabbit will be under close supervision 24/7, so any change in behavior will be noticed almost immediately

– If your rabbit is caged at your home, most likely with boarding, she will have lots of “free time” and be allowed to roam more often and get lots of exercise and activity

– Your rabbit will get round-the clock attention and TLC, just like at home


– By bringing your rabbit to a sitter, her routine may be a bit disrupted

– New surroundings could make your rabbit very uneasy and could cause stress

– Depending on where you board your rabbit, there could be other animals that you have to take into consideration

If you feel as though boarding would be a good option for your rabbit, you can make her stay even more enjoyable by doing a few things. Bring familiar things with her — her bowls/water bottles, litter box, toys, even her Bunny Castle. Anything that makes her feel like she’s still at home will help her to adjust and feel secure in her temporary environment. Another good idea is to bring the food/pellets she is currently eating. If she eats Oxbow Bunny Basics T and the caretaker doesn’t feed the same to her rabbits, be sure to bring enough for your rabbit’s stay. You don’t want her system to be interrupted with a new food.

As far as having a pet sitter come to your home, there are pros and cons to that as well:


– Your rabbit’s routine will not be interrupted and she will be able to stay in her own home and surroundings

– The pet sitter can also provide home security while you’re away (lights on/off, bring in mail, etc.)


– You need to find a person that is trustworthy with the keys to your house and your “furbaby”

– If your rabbit becomes sick, she may not get the immediate care and medical attention she needs (rabbits should be checked on AT LEAST once a day, preferably twice a day)

Whether you decide to board your rabbit or have a pet sitter come to your home, be sure to leave all necessary information with the person caring for your rabbit such as:

– where/when you can be reached (numbers, hotel information, flight information, etc.)

– an emergency contact (name, number, address)

– veterinary information (regular rabbit savvy vet and back up or emergency vet) with a signed veterinarian release

– home care information (if having someone come to your home — lights, mail, newspaper, water plants, etc.)

– your rabbit’s schedule such as feeding times/amounts, exercise, etc.

– your rabbit’s likes and dislikes (favorite greens and treats)

– any special needs or restrictions for your rabbit

– any recent illnesses/surgeries and/or health issues the sitter should be aware of:

– current medications (if any)

– your rabbit’s personality and any little quirks your rabbit may have that would be helpful for the sitter to know

When looking for a reputable pet sitter for Lucky, ask your veterinarian, a friend or family member that has used a pet sitter or contact your local rabbit rescue. These people will be able to offer their experiences and let you know if the pet sitter will take the utmost care of your rabbit.