A Morning in the Life of Lexi

Beep Beep Beep Beep…Ears point up in curiosity. What is that noise? Oh, it’s just Mom’s alarm going off. It must be time for a carrot. Yipee!! But wait, she’s not budging out of bed. Maybe if I chomp on this piece of cardboard loud enough she’ll get up. Chomp Chomp Chomp …It’s not working! Hmm, what else can I do? Maybe if I do laps back and forth she’ll get up. Zooooom Zoooom…Beep Beep Beep…That alarm is going off again?! Wait, I hear her moving this time. Her feet have hit the floor. Yipee!!! Carrot time!! Zoooom Zoooom…Shake Shake Shake…Boing Boing…In the distance I hear Mom’s voice “Lexi, come get your caaaarrot.”

I run into the kitchen at top speed, so fast that I hit my face with the carrot. Doink!! Shake Shake … Aahhh, carrot, finally. Chomp Chomp…So yummy!! My tummy is full now, time to hit the litterbox while Mom goes in that small room where I always hear water running this time of day…All done here, time to clean myself. Can never be too clean. Lick Lick Lick … “Leeexi!!” Ears point up. I hear my name. Oh well, back to cleaning. Lick Lick…“Leeexi, I’m leaving. Leeexi!” Oh boy, time for kisses and pets on the nose. This feels so nice. Eyes closing, teeth grinding. My mom just loves me so much. It’s so nice here. Faintly I hear “Bye, Lexi, love you, be a good girl.” Aahhh…nap time. Eyes close, feet stretch out.

by Kathy Dionne