This Holiday Season the House Rabbit Network is once again celebrating the beauty of White Rabbits. HRN is joining the “I’m Dreaming of a White Bunny” adoption campaign, to promote adoption of the most commonly overlooked bunnies in shelters and rescues. White bunnies are often larger in size and may have red or pink eyes, which people sometimes perceive negatively. This is unfortunate, because big white bunnies often have the best personalities! We have many that would make a wonderful pet in your home, or even as a bondmate to your own spayed or neutered house rabbit. (We can help with the bonding process.) You can read more about New Zealand White Rabbits in the excellent article, “Simple Beauty: In Praise of the New Zealand White”

Purchase “I’m Dreaming of a White Bunny” Merchandise!


I’m Dreaming of a White Bunny
Somebun to love and call my own.
With those pretty ruby eyes
and big fluffy tail,
Oh, I want one in my home!

I’m Dreaming of a White Bunny
With long white ears to listen at night
May your buns be healthy and bright
And may all your new bunnies be white.

I’m Dreaming of a White Bunny
With fur that glistens in the light
May your buns be healthy and bright
And may all your new bunnies be white.