Love is in the Hare

In this season of love, have you considered a pair of rabbits? Rabbits are social animals that love the companionship of another bunny. Watching them snuggle and play together is a joy. They are clearly devoted to their mates.

The House Rabbit Network has many pairs of rabbits available for adoption. Adopting a pair of rabbits really isn’t much more work than adopting a single bunny. Since the rabbits live together, you need only one cage, water bottle, food dish, etc. The buns share cage space, food, litter box and play time. The benefit is that you get to enjoy watching them snuggle and love each other. Your buns will be happier!

If you have a single rabbit, have you considered getting a mate for your friend? Most rabbits are happier if they have a friend to keep them company while you sleep and work. You can check out our handsome bachelors and pretty bachelorettes.

In this season of love, consider adopting a pair of rabbits or a mate for your current bun. You can have twice the joy!