Rabbit Glossary



Afternoon Delight Puhleeze … could we have some privacy here?
Binky An acrobatic maneuver involving running, jumping and kicking up heels; only rabbits
are capable of this, although I’ve heard of gymnasts who have tried to imitate it.
Boxing When a rabbit bats at you with his front paws. Usually means
stay away from my cage, litter box or food!
Buffing Any petting, kissing or massaging of rabbits; e.g., “buffing a fluff”.
Bunny 500 Racing laps around the room as fast as you can.
Cordless Foot Massager A bun who licks your foot from toe to heel.
Cordless Rug Cleaner Flinging a dish full of water, then stomping in the water.
Dances With Pin in Butt A bun who suddenly jumps high, practically smashing his/her head on the ceiling.
Dewlap The fold of skin below the chin. Predominantly on female rabbits.
EpilLady A bun who tries to yank hair out of legs, armpits and head.
Ethernet Something used to catch the Etherbunny.
Food Flicker Flinging a dish full of pellets.
Ground Hopper. Rabbit
Guiser Meister A bun who eats a hole in the waterbed.
Mike Tyson

An afternoon delight with one unwilling partner.
Mike Tyson #2 Two buns fighting, with one bun trying to pull an ear off the second bun.
Mom Female rabbit human companion.
Monster Human rabbit companion (with apologies to the real Monster, who
lives with Beth and Michael).
Nana Bunny-talk (not to say baby talk) for a banana snack.
Olympic Rug Runner A bun(s) who runs like lightening around the perimeter of a room.
Pellet Pusher Pushing a dish full of pellets with the nose.
Pink Head Disease An affliction of pet rabbits caused by a two-legger (almost exclusively
female except at Halloween) giving too many kisses while wearing
lipstick. There is no known cure, but it appears to be a benign condition.
Pod Bunny A rabbit who is too well behaved to be a rabbit.
Pooka A large, white, mischievious rabbit.
Pooka wannabe A mischievious rabbit that isn’t completely white or not quite
large enough, to be considered a true pooka.
Rug Bump One bun sleeps on the rug and the other bun runs right over him.
Slave Human guardian who is controlled by a rabbit
Snowplowing A bun pushing blankets around with his/her front legs.
The Boss The rabbit, not the human companion (except when meds are required).
The Giant Human rabbit companion.
Two-Footer Rabbit slave (a.k.a. human).
Vegging A rabbit-approved human activity.