The Year of the Bunny

You could say I was a resolution junkie. Every December, I’d compile endless lists and notes about Goals and What I Wanted to Achieve in the coming year, Habits to Kick, Things to Strive For. All this would culminate on New Year’s Eve with a Master List of Resolutions that I painstakingly wrote out while champagne flowed and others partied around me – and yes, I kept them all, logging in milestones and checking off goals in my various logs and notebooks. This year, however, I stunned my friends when I announced that I had only one Resolution. “One?” my husband asked. “For the entire year?”

The answer is yes, and the resolution is simply this: To be more Bunny-like.

The idea hit me when I was watching Oolong one day. She had played with her toys all morning and was pooped, so right in front of me, she flopped down and took a nap, in the middle of the kitchen, while I was moving back-and-forth trying to prepare lunch. I had to step over her each time I headed to the sink, but no matter – she had a sound little snooze and then right afterwards bounced back to her toys for another round of chewing and ring-tossing.

I envied Oolong because around that time I was suffering from insomnia and overwork stress. I was recovering from a serious illness and was pushing myself to get back on my feet and back into a punishing schedule. Although I was basically healthy and athletic, it seemed as if Oolong had a connection to her body that I was lacking. When she was energetic, she played full out, but when she got tired, she flopped down to rest immediately – none of that “I’ll try to force myself to stay awake” business, or pouring coffee down her throat like many of my friends (I only drink tea). When she was tired, she rested, period. What a concept!

Then I got to thinking, maybe life would be simpler if I were more bunny-like. Hmmm.

Diet and Nutrition

Let’s see – plenty of fiber, veggies and some fruit every day. The ideal bunny diet, but one that would work well for us humans too. Minimal heavy starches and lowfat, low-calorie. And another thing – all that chewing should slow us down when we’re eating and aid digestion. They should forget about the Food Pyramid and advocate the Bunny Diet. I can just see a new diet book hitting the bestseller’s lists, interviews, and talk shows. Oprah, here I come!


Lots of bunny hops and binkies, plus furious ring-tossing can really burn up the calories. Cancel that gym membership and hop or skip everywhere you’re going. It puts a smile on your face as well, a real moodlifter. (Would anyone be interested in a Bunny Aerobics video featuring Oolong and the gang?) Oh, and that bunny yoga is good for you too – long stretches (accompanied by yawns), and being able to pretzel yourself to fit any small space or hole can come in useful.


Oolong’s example should serve to remind us all that sleep is important! (And naps are the way to go when our energy is flagging).


Now here’s a great one. My bunnies show their feelings very quickly and easily. “Cut that out” or “that’s not funny” they say, turning their backs on me. I know when they’re mad, but they always give a chance to win back their favor with a treat or lots of stroking. Wouldn’t all our relationships be easier if we were honest with each other and as ready to forgive? My bunnies don’t hold grudges. When we’ve made up, there are no references to past mistakes or hurts. We always start from here, now. And as for romantic relationships, I noticed that even my most loving bonded pairs spend a healthy amount of time apart. Saves money on a lot of therapy!


Ever see a bunny try to seek out a treat? All motivational speakers and corporate trainers should show film clips of bunnies hard at work tracking down and sniffing away for that distinct scent of a craisin. Talk about being in the flow and goal-oriented!

Adventure and Growth

Studies show that new neural connections are made in our brains whenever we learn something new. So explore a new part of the house, climb up on a chair you’ve never been on and survey the view from there. Dig into the grocery bags that are lying around when your parents are unloading the car – you just might find something yummy in there. And be adventurous with food as well! Just because it’s a candle, doesn’t mean you can’t have a good chew on it, and experiment with new spices. Some buns like Oolong just looooove ginger.


All I can say is, find someone else to clean your litterbox! So yes, I’m sticking to my One Resolution this year. There’s a lot to learn from my bunnies and I think it’s catching on. Some of my friends are starting to see the benefits of a bunnier lifestyle. Who knows? It just might be the new Zen.

by H. Loh