The Grumpy Old Man

It was eleven years ago when I first met Louis. I was working at a house rabbit booth during a Pet Expo when a lady named Laurie approached. She had recently adopted a second bunny as a mate for her Louis. Since she was disabled and couldn’t reach the floor, she was having trouble bonding them. As fate would have it, she lived in my town. I agreed to help her bond her bunnies.

For several months I regularly went to Laurie’s house and worked on bonding Louis and Jillian. That was how Louis got to know me. I was the mean lady who would come and force him to get along with Jillian. Louis was a handsome brown Netherland Dwarf, a 3.5 pound rabbit with the attitude of a giant. He loved Laurie, but if he didn’t like something, he let you know. Grunting and boxing were favorite pastimes. He didn’t want to be with Jillian and he didn’t like me for forcing him to be nice. Eventually he learned to love Jillian, but he still hated me. Years after I had bonded them he would still thump when he heard my voice. His memory was good, and he knew how to hold a grudge. It was fair to say that Louis didn’t like me.

Louis lived like a king for several years. Laurie spoiled him rotten, he had an entire room to play in, and a girl, Jillian, whom he loved. However, great times never last forever. Jillian got sick and passed away. Laurie, sadly, was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She asked if I would take Louis once she died. That is how Louis became my rabbit. While Laurie knew I would take good care of him, I wondered if this was Louis’ worst nightmare.

Louis surprised me with how well he adjusted. He knew that something was different and would let me pet him, if he was in the right mood. Despite being an elder bun, he still had tons of attitude and let me know every time he didn’t like something. I got used to his grunts and laughed at his attitude. He definitely was full of himself! I tried bonding him with my rabbits, but he wouldn’t have anything to do with it. Amazingly three pound Louis would pick fights with my 12 pound Daisy. I tried a few other rabbits, and eventually gave up. Everyone knew Louis was my grumpy old man. When friends came to visit, they liked to pet him and listen to him grunt. Don’t touch his food, toys or litter box. Treats are welcome. He sure was a feisty one!

Louis was ten years old and had been with me for two years when a new rabbit, Abby, arrived at our shelter. She was a nine year old New Zealand White rabbit who was dumped because her owners were having a baby. She had virtually no chance of being adopted. Since I didn’t want Abby to spend the rest of her life stuck in foster care, I decided to try her with my bonded pair, but they just didn’t take to each other. On a lark, I tried her with Louis. Abby was immediately enamored. Louis seemed somewhat interested, but still had his grumpy moments. As luck would have it, she was oblivious. He could grunt and snort all he wanted, and she would lay happily by his side. He would box at Abby, and she wouldn’t even notice. It was amazing to watch Louis try to act tough, and Abby would never react. Abby would snuggle her eleven pound body right up against my three and a half pound dynamo. She showered him with kisses, and eventually he melted. After a few weeks, she won him over. Once smitten, he eagerly returned her kisses and didn’t even get annoyed when she stepped over him trying to get treats. Abby brought out a softer side that Louis didn’t want anyone to see.

It was amazing to see Louis so much in love. Over the years he grunted less and seemed happier than he had ever been. The attitude was gone, and Louis was no longer a grumpy old man. Friends couldn’t believe the transformation in him. Abby has always been just a love. As long as she is snuggling with someone, she is in heaven. Louis and Abby enjoyed 2.5 wonderful years together when Louis sadly passed away at 13. Both Louis and Abby spent their last few years filled with love and contentment.

Many people have wondered if their rabbit would be interested in another bun after being alone for many years. Abby, at nine years old, became a first time bride and absolutely adored her man. Louis gave up his bachelor ways for her, after being widowed for 2.5 years. Senior rabbits can be happy lovebirds, and while Louis clearly had a softer side, he will always be my grumpy old man.

by Suzanne Trayhan