Quarterly Notes November 2019

ASM- ASM changed the system requirements to run their software. We are currently on a shared server- which was ok, but as of the release that was installed last winter we now need a virtual private server, a shared server won’t work. What this means is we need to either update our domain hosting to a VPS, switch to letting ASM host our data for us (at a cost of I think $360 a year) or investigate switching to another platform. Palestina volunteered her husband Barry to look into this for us.

Email Lists
Yahoo Groups is changing. Right now they are just no longer allowing you to store items with the group (which we really weren’t anyway) We should move to our own groups which I hope to do in the next month or two.


We have already had 380 adoptions this year, and new record!

Flatbread raised $3681, 3rd highest total so far. A breakout was emailed to the board.
Dawn submitted summary of Spa day which was successful. We raised $2910 Plus the donations from basket ticket sales, and vendor commissions.

The American Legion has been reserved for April 4th for our 20th anniversary party. Things are on track figuring out event details.

We have done really well with our facebook fundraisers this year. We have done 4 of them, spaced throughout the year. They have brought in Holden $4280, Blackberry $3000, Babies $3550, Giving Tuesday $4285 (to date). Total $15,115 We also received other donations through paypal, so the giving Tuesday fundraiser is actually higher. It can be difficult to track exactly which ones are from Giving Tuesday.

There are wordpress plugins for scheduling volunteers- we are going to investigate those to see if one would work for us. (likely yes)
Investigating auction plugins and hoping to set up and use one for the next auction. The person who was supposed to help set it up didn’t have the time, Emily stepped in to help at last minute but we had some glitches. Since we were up against Thanksgiving I just put it out on facebook again. Emily is going to work on the auction plugins for Feb.
We raised about $1500 with the November 2019 auction.

Yoga- Abbie stepped down, Prabha is a potential new volunteer who has offered to try taking on the role. I have been communicating with her. We notice tickets are not selling as well as they used to, but still pretty good. (except Sept at Crompton, but Nov sold out)
I submitted the grant info for both Holiday Wishes and a Petco Grant. Since we have not heard anything yet pretty sure we did not win Holiday Wishes as they likely are already awarding them. Not sure when we would hear about the regular Petco grant- I suspect by the end of the year.