House Rabbit Network
Adopt Dazzle
HRN# 00040
Breed: English Spot Sex: Male
Weight: 4 lbs. Color: White w/black ears
Status: Adopted Birthdate: , Complete Guess
Fix Date: October 18, 2000 Fix Location: McGrath
Litterbox habits: Good Mate: N/A
Used to kids? Unknown Used to dogs? unknown
Used to cats? Unknown Can be held? yes
Foster Home: Beth/Michael HRN arrival: October 7, 2000
From: Boston MSPCA Shelter Arrival:
Reason: Shelter Number:
Description: Dazzle is a very happy bunny who loves to zoom around the house. He enjoys dancing, running and doing "happy hops". He also is a huge hay and veggie eater. He tolerates being held, but *loves* pets.
Other Notes Daz may be good with a single kid household, depending on the kid. He loves being the center of attention, and would love a lot of space to run in.
Adopted by:
Adoption Date: Adoptee Phone:
