HRN# 00042 |
Breed: chinchilla | Sex: female |
Weight: 7 lbs | Color: grey |
Status: Adopted | Birthdate: 12/98 , Complete Guess |
Fix Date: 12/12/00 | Fix Location: McGrath Billerica |
Litterbox habits: Good | Mate: Harold |
Used to kids? Unknown | Used to dogs? unknown |
Used to cats? yes | Can be held? unknown |
Foster Home: Christine | HRN arrival: 12/1/00 |
From: Boston MSPCA | Shelter Arrival: 7/00 |
Reason: not getting enough attention/exposure for adoption | Shelter Number: |
Description: Samantha has gorgeous, soft grey chinchilla fur which she loves massaged, especially her dewlap. She actively asks for attention, and even at times makes happy squeaky noises to punctuate her glee. Sam likes to dig in her litterpan and be active, but perhaps after her spay she may chill out a bit. She and Harold make a handsome pair and want to share their love with a permanent home. | |
Other Notes Awesome disposition, the both of them. Sam was in a foster home in Upton, MA for a while, then Harold joined her there and it was love at first sight. I believe that Sam had guinea pig companions that left her, and that may be the source of her squeaky habit -- she sounds like a gpig! When she arrived at the shelter in 7/00 she had a bad case of ear mites, but has been treated and is fine now. Both she and Harold need nail trims and a gland clean out, which we will do once they rest a few days, then we will see how they do with holding and handling. Mike reports she was a stray brought into the shelter. | |
Adopted by: Karen Smith | |
Adoption Date: April 23, 2001 | Adoptee Phone: 203-426-3762 |