HRN# 01031 |
Breed: English Spot | Sex: female |
Weight: 6 Pounds | Color: White w/Grey |
Status: Adopted | Birthdate: Nov 99, Complete Guess |
Fix Date: February 2001 | Fix Location: ARL |
Litterbox habits: Good | Mate: None |
Used to kids? Unknown | Used to dogs? unknown |
Used to cats? yes | Can be held? prefers not to be |
Foster Home: Cherryl Reinhardt | HRN arrival: February 10, 2001 |
From: ARL | Shelter Arrival: unknown |
Reason: unknown | Shelter Number: none |
Marcy is a fun girl who enjoyes her exercise time. She is
gentle and loving. Marcy would do well in any home-type
situation. She has great litterbox habits.
(old) Marcy is a beautiful girl who loves to run and jump. She adores her out time. She is not used to human companionship but is getting used to being petted and is very curious about people. She would do well in any family situation. Since her spay, her litterbox habits are improving. | |
Other Notes | |
Adopted by: Carol and David Youngclaus | |
Adoption Date: Aug 5, 2001 | Adoptee Phone: 781-933-9755 |