House Rabbit Network
HRN# 01013
Breed: NZ White Sex: female
Weight: 8 Pounds Color: white
Status: Available Birthdate: 1998 Complete guess
Fix Date: April 26, 2001 Fix Location:
Litterbox habits: Good Mate: Martin
Used to kids? no Used to dogs? no
Used to cats? yes Can be held? timid
Foster Home: Chrissey Joubert HRN arrival: April 26, 2001
From: Medfield Animal Control Shelter Arrival: 1999?
Reason: unknown Shelter Number: none
Description: Monkey is an extremely lovable bun who is a tad overweight. Her people skills have drastically improved since the special attention she has been getting from some volunteers. Monkey loves her toys ( in particular her baby keys) and will be your best friend if you sit and brush her. She is fairly laid back and no stranger to the companionship of cats. She would make a wonderful addition to any family who will allow her room to exercise and give her the attention she well deserves.
Other Notes Monkey is being sponsored by Chrissy Jubert
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Adoption Date: Adoptee Phone:
