House Rabbit Network
Lady D. (was "Dusty")
HRN# 01067
Breed: Dutch Mix Sex: Female
Weight: About 6 Pounds Color: Gray/White
Status: Adopted Birthdate: Feb 2001 Good guess
Fix Date: Jan 10, 2002 Fix Location: Wellesley AH
Litterbox habits: Very Good Mate:
Used to kids? Older children only Used to dogs? Unlikely
Used to cats? Unknown Can be held? Yes, loves it!
Foster Home: Erica Deighton HRN arrival: Dec 6, 2001
From: ARL-Boston Shelter Arrival: Nov 14 2001
Reason: Move. Shelter Number: A101938
Description: Lady D is very affectionate and people-oriented. She comes running up to you to be cuddled; loves to be held, or to lie on your lap and be petted. She tells you how much she loves you with a sweet mixture of grunts and honks, and nudges. She is a demure young lady, with perfect litter box habits, and prefers a sedate and lady-like life-style.
Other Notes Easily stressed: clearly quite overwhelmed by the chaos and noise level at the shelter. But very responsive to soothing, able to connect, and seems resilient. She will probably pair well after spay, if she can transfer her affection-seeking to her kin, and be willing to share! [At the moment she doesn't seem to be a "groomer", and is quite possewp-content/hrn/ssive of her litter box, rugs,etc.] Also needs to lose some of her pellet-diet pudge. It's also possible that as she becomes less stressed she may reveal a more lively personality - who knows, under that demure exterior may be hiding a playful and feisty young woman!
Adopted by:
Adoption Date: Adoptee Phone:
