House Rabbit Network
HRN# 02021
Breed: Sex: Male
Weight: 8 Pounds Color: White with brown and gray spots
Status: Adopted Birthdate: About a year old. Good Guess
Fix Date: January 2002 Fix Location: Wignall
Litterbox habits: Excellent Mate: None
Used to kids? Unknown Used to dogs? Unknown
Used to cats? Yes Can be held? Yes
Foster Home: Tamsyn - Temporary Foster Home HRN arrival: January 2002
From: Rescued by foster mom from being thrown out of a third-floor apartment building Shelter Arrival:
Reason: Cruelty Shelter Number:
Description: Caspar is a beautiful eight pound lop with a fuzzy white coat marked with gray and tan spots. He is an affectionate, gentle, energetic rabbit who is looking for a second chance. Caspar was thrown out of a third- floor window in Lowell and was rescued by his foster mom. He is now looking for a home of his own. Caspar is perfectly litter box trained, doesn't mind being held, and loves to be petted. He would love to meet you!
Other Notes:
Adopted by:
Adoption Date: Adoptee Phone:
