HRN# 02022 |
Breed: Mini-Rex | Sex: Male |
Weight: 8 Pounds | Color: Black |
Status: Adopted | Birthdate: 2.5 years old. Good Guess |
Fix Date: February 18, 2002 | Fix Location: Wignall |
Litterbox habits: Improving since neutered | Mate: |
Used to kids? Yes | Used to dogs? Yes |
Used to cats? Yes | Can be held? Loves it. Adores it. |
Foster Home: Kathryn Ligato | HRN arrival: August 2001 |
From: Melinda Zaporetski | Shelter Arrival: |
Reason: Owner Had to Go to Abused Women's Shelter | Shelter Number: |
Description: Rascal (a/k/a Joe Cool). Rascal is an eight-pound mini-rex looking for a really cool, fun home. However, he has several requests. He loves to be held. Maybe you would let him watch TV, sitting in your lap, rubbing his ears. (MTV would be a good choice.) Or he could just follow you around because sometimes he thinks he's a dog. Rascal loves kids, adults, other rabbits, and has been known to tolerate dogs and cats. Is YOUR home cool enough for him? | |
Other Notes: | |
Adopted by: | |
Adoption Date: | Adoptee Phone: |