House Rabbit Network
HRN# 02023
Breed: Lop Sex: Male
Weight: 5.5 Pounds Color: Dark Brown Agouti
Status: Adopted Birthdate: February 1999 Good Guess
Fix Date: Unknown Fix Location: Unknown
Litterbox habits: Good Mate: No
Used to kids? Unknown Used to dogs? Unknown
Used to cats? Yes Can be held? Briefly (see below)
Foster Home: Cherryl Reinhardt HRN arrival: February 17, 2002
From: MSPCA Brockton Shelter Arrival: February 12, 2002
Reason: Divorce - no housing Shelter Number: A026525
Description: Felix is a real cutie. He has a birth defect which has left him with a rear leg that is stiff and sticks out to his side. Veterinarian advises to leave alone (i.e., not amputate), as the leg is very healthy. He uses it for balance. Felix doesn't like to be picked up unless you have a real firm grasp of him, due to his leg. He is a real charmer who loves his playtime and he enjoys running around and digging.
Other Notes: Felix was seen at the Worcester Cat Hospital and Bird Clinic by Dr. Tara Temple who saw no reason to "mess" with Felix's leg. It is just a birth defect that Felix has learned to live with. The leg is in perfect health. Treated for enteritis 5/25/02
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Adoption Date: Adoptee Phone:
