House Rabbit Network
HRN# 02052
Breed: rex Sex: male
Weight: 7 Pounds Color: black
Status: Adopted Birthdate: July 2001 Good guess
Fix Date: April 2002 Fix Location: Wignall Animal Hosp
Litterbox habits: Excellent Mate:
Used to kids? Yes Used to dogs? Yes
Used to cats? unknown Can be held? Yes, but a little vocal about it
Foster Home: Laura Duffy HRN arrival: April 2002
From: Wignall AH Shelter Arrival:
Reason: Owner didn't want to pay the bill Shelter Number:
Description: Dunkin' is a spirited rex with a troubled past. Viciously attacked by his unneutered brothers while waiting to mate in a breeder's pen, Dunkin' spent the next three months caged in an animal hospital receiving daily treatments. Now, in excellent health, Dunkin' cannot be caged but is thriving in a free-range environment. He has perfect litterbox habits, enjoys rearranging pillows, looking out windows, and having his ears rubbed and petted. Understandably, Dunkin' is afraid of other rabbits but gets along well with his foster mom's beagle. Maybe you have a room -- or home -- and some love -- to share with this special rabbit?
Other Notes:
Adopted by:
Adoption Date: Adoptee Phone:
