House Rabbit Network
HRN# 02053
Breed: Mix Sex: female
Weight: 3 Pounds Color: black
Status: Adopted Birthdate: December 2001 Good Guess
Fix Date: May 15, 2002 Fix Location: Wignall AH
Litterbox habits: fair Mate: Cheerio (sister)
Used to kids? yes Used to dogs? yes
Used to cats? unknown Can be held? tolerates
Foster Home: Laura Duffy HRN arrival: January 2002
From: Boston ARL Shelter Arrival:
Reason: Shelter Number:
Other Notes: Hi. I'm Charly, the little one, and I'd like you to meet my sister, Cheerio. We're six months old, have boundless energy, and love to play and eat (not necessarily in that order). Cheerio likes to be held and petted. Me? I'd rather run, hope, and play, but I may learn to enjoy pets and holds when we find our permanent home.
Adopted by:
Adoption Date: Adoptee Phone:
