House Rabbit Network
HRN# 02056
Breed: English Spot Sex: male
Weight: 6.5 Pounds Color: white/black spots
Status: Adopted Birthdate: May 2000 Complete Guess
Fix Date: , 2002 Fix Location:
Litterbox habits: unknown Mate:
Used to kids? Used to dogs?
Used to cats? unknown Can be held?
Foster Home: Suzanne Trayhan HRN arrival: May 20, 2002
From: Boston ARL Shelter Arrival: April 7, 2002
Reason: Too Many, found previously as a stray Shelter Number: A108920
Other Notes: Adopted July 1. Eventually ended up in a pet store in the Dayton/Troy, OH area after new owner moved and handed him off to someone else who later got rid of him. Pete will be available for adoption thru Karalee of the Columbus, OH HRS.
Adopted by:
Adoption Date: Adoptee Phone:
