House Rabbit Network
HRN# 02130
Breed: mix Sex: male
Weight: 6.5 lbs Color: gray
Status: Available Birthdate: Nov 2000 Good Guess
Fix Date: unknown Fix Location: unknown
Litterbox habits: fair Mate:Eliza
Used to kids? Used to dogs?
Used to cats? Can be held?
Foster Home: Teresa Tomari HRN arrival: Nov 21, 2002
From: ARL- Pembroke Shelter Arrival: Sept, 2002
Reason: unknown Shelter Number: A120431
Description: Henry and Eliza are a pair of devoted angoras looking for a special placement. Angoras are not for everyone. They require daily brushing and eat more than the average rabbit. Henry and Eliza are very gentle and laid back. They are working on their litterbox habits, but aren't quite there yet. Wouldn't it be lov-er-ly for Henry and his Fair Lady to find a happy ending, maybe on the street where you live ....
Other Notes: Was known as SnapDragon
Adopted by:
Adoption Date: Adoptee Phone:
