House Rabbit Network
HRN# 03084
Breed: mix Sex: female
Weight: 5.5 lbs Color: gray
Status: Available Birthdate: July 2001 Good Guess
Fix Date: unknown Fix Location: unknown
Litterbox habits: good Mate:Larry
Used to kids? Used to dogs?
Used to cats? Can be held?
Foster Home: Suzanne Trayhan HRN arrival: Oct 7, 2003
From: Vicky Eddy Shelter Arrival:
Reason:dog Shelter Number:
Other Notes: Surrendered by Vicky Eddy Oct 7, 2003 with Larry. Vicky's notes:
She is the larger of the two bunnies. She also has more of a temper and will snarl if she is not happy with you. she loves to be pet... especially on the nose...but she hates to be picked up. she is not afraid of anything. goes right up to the dog and instead of running away like larry...she stands her ground. she has no known medical problems. she was spayed at a vet clinic in manchester, NH....i can't remember the date. she loves to eat also....her favorite is parsly. also...i'm not sure if this is true of all bunnies, but she absolutely hates rubber. i was wearing latex gloves and went to pet her and she freaked out. Then another time i had a bunch of rubber bands on my wrist when i went to pet her and she snarled and bit me.... i don't know what it is with rubber but she does not like it.
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Adoption Date: Adoptee Phone:
