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Adopt Barney and Hazel
HRN# 99041
Breed: uncertain - large Sex: female
Weight: 10 lbs Color: red
Status: Special Needs Birthdate: 95 , Complete Guess
Fix Date: 96? Fix Location: Wellesley
Litterbox habits: good, but kicks out hay if too full of hay Mate: Barney
Used to kids? no Used to dogs? no
Used to cats? yes Can be held? for short while
Foster Home: Christine HRN arrival: 11/1/99
From: Surrender - owner Shelter Arrival: n/a
Reason: landlord wanted them out Shelter Number: n/a
Description: docile, affectionate, curious, "it's about me"
Other Notes Hazel takes Cipro 250 mg tablets, a quarter tablet both am and pm, so she takes half a tablet daily, so a tablet lasts 2 days. The pharmacy chops the tablets into fourths, and when I remember to ask, they'll do eighths (otherwise, I just use a razorblade at home.) We give her the Cipro by inserting the eighths into big, plump raisins that we have ripped open and then sealed shut around the med. We have a routine with her and Barney that before chow they must take their raisins. We give her a med-raisin, then plain, then the other med-raisin, then a few plain as 'chasers'. She gobbles them up, and Barney gets only plain raisins, to be part of the routine. Then they get pets and praise and chow. The med-raisins can be made several days in advance. This system is easy for us and the bunnysitter who is comfortable with administering it.
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