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Adopt Barney and Hazel
HRN# 99042
Breed: uncertain - large Sex: male
Weight: 10 lbs Color: white with black/brown patches
Status: Special Needs Birthdate: 94-95 , Complete Guess
Fix Date: 95? Fix Location: unknown
Litterbox habits: good; pees next to box if he feels it needs changing Mate: Hazel
Used to kids? no Used to dogs? no
Used to cats? yes Can be held? for short while
Foster Home: Christine HRN arrival: 11/1/99
From: Surrender - owner Shelter Arrival: n/a
Reason: landlord wanted them out Shelter Number: n/a
Description: reclusive; alert; wants affection but has trouble trusting new people and situations; protective of Hazel
Other Notes For those who love big, hearty buns, there's Hazel and Barney. Each weighing about 10 lbs, they love to lounge during the day outside of their cage. They will groom one another and placidly watch what's going on. In the afternoon to evening, when they are more active, they love digging in a play bag or tunnel and exploring their room. They love cardboard or straw chew toys all day long. Hazel (red coat) is more outgoing than Barney and will greet you when you approach. Barney (white/black coat), who is more shy, needs gentle coaxing; however, if you sing to Barney while petting him, he's a willing mush.
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